“Nobody finishes well by accident.”
The Girl
I'm Amanda. I've been blogging quietly in a corner for quite some time, and it wasn't until 2016 that I decided to go more public and share all of the things I've been up to.
After graduating from University, I got married and moved to a new country in a matter of weeks. So now I find myself, a proud Canadian, living in the United States living the wife and mama life in the state that is Maryland.
The Idea
I’m taking a break from being a full-time middle school math teacher, staying home with our baby girl, and rekindling the love affair that I have with all things domestic. When I'm not playing, cleaning, experimenting in the kitchen, making lists or grocery shopping, you can usually find me tinkering with some of my many hobbies like music, crocheting, running, and photography.
I've also been able to implement changes in every day habits that have brought satisfaction, health and joy to my life!
The Blog
Maple Alps is a faith-based lifestyle blog focused on living intentionally, simply and content. I've chosen to live an intentional life, and as a Christian, I believe I am called to glorify God in all that I do - from what I eat to how I choose to spend my money. This is a place where I share how I practically do that, and help others do the same.
Content idea? Need some advice? Just plain want to send some love? We love hearing from all of you!