If you happen to follow along on Instagram, then you likely remember me posting my word for 2018. I wasn’t planning on sharing it on the blog, but the more I thought about it, the better an idea it seems. Now, blogging is pretty vulnerable. You are basically putting your thoughts, opinions, and ways of life out there for anyone and everyone to read and the world is a scary place! But this also relates to my word this year. Ready?
1) the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release.
2) freedom from limits on thought or behavior.”
I know it is sort of a strange word, but do hear me out.
I'm the person who always lets self-consciousness and perfectionism hold me back from doing things. Thing is, I'm also the person who learns well and quickly from mistakes. So, this year, I'm not holding back. I'll write the horrible blog posts. I'll take the mediocre photos. I'll speak my terrible German. I'll take chances at work. I'll put myself out there. I'll say no. I'll say yes. But I will do it all free from my own selfish inhibitions. I'm tired of not doing things because "it won't be good enough."
Now this is not to say that I will do everything and anything. I still will be intentional in everything I do (and actually, I plan on taking on fewer responsibilities so I can focus on doing them well). But this year, I will be intentional about choosing to do things that will develop my character for good.
2018 is my year. I can feel it.
Do you have a word for 2018?