Maple Alps


Decluttering Your Phone

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps3 Comments

Ah, Spring is in the air. If you’ve been around for a while, you know I adore Spring and everything involved in it - yes, even the rainy days! You also might know that I love a good declutter. I’ve talked about decluttering on the blog before and have even created an awesome decluttering/Spring Cleaning checklist that a lot of you have downloaded and used! Today, I thought I’d go one step further and talk about digital cleaning - starting with likely my most-used electronic device: my smart phone.

I got my first cell phone when I was 17, after getting my license. I really had no need for one up until then, since my parents pretty much drove me everywhere. If I was out and about, they either lent me an extra phone they had, or made sure I had quarters for the pay phone. That first phone, though not super smart, was great and did everything I needed it to. It called, and I could even send up to 50 text messages for free!! What a thought!

Now that I do pretty much everything on this little phone that fits in my pocket, I almost want to go back to the days where all my phone did was call and text. It isn’t a reality I’ve seriously considered going back to, but I have definitely tried to scale back on what I keep on my phone. Let’s look at a few areas you can start decluttering on your phone.

Decluttering Your Phone |


I don’t know about you, but over the years I have accumulated so many contacts. As I was going through my phone once, I didn’t even recognize some of the names and I realized that my phone had synced all of the contacts in my university email one year - thousands of names and email addresses I would never use or recognize! I started by getting rid of all of those, and was left with a list that was much more manageable to go through. Chances are there are names of people you had to contact once (and will never contact again), and some incomplete names as well. I even found contact names like, “No Name” and 1-800 numbers! I know going through contacts can be pretty rough and can make you feel guilty if you choose to get rid of numbers, but trust me, it will be well worth your time when you are done.

Some easy steps:

  • Go through each name, deleting names you don’t recognize or don’t need anymore

  • Verify the correctness of the contact information of the names you choose to keep


For me, apps usually fall into one of three categories: The ones I use almost every day (ex. Instagram, weather, fitness apps, etc.), the ones I use from time to time when needed (store rewards apps, calculator, etc.), and the ones I downloaded that one time and never used again. Determine what apps fall under those categories and delete accordingly.

Some app tips:

  • If you aren’t sure exactly what apps you use frequently and use an iPhone, check your settings under “General” followed by “iPhone Storage” for a list of the most used (and unused) apps on your phone.

  • If possible, get rid of email on your phone. I got rid of mine over a year ago and have never, ever, once looked back! As a bonus, I now do not have to organize emails on my phone in addition! 


“WHY DO I HAVE OVER 400 PHOTOS OF MY CAT ON MY PHONE?!” was a real question I asked my husband thousands of miles above ground level. I had run out of things to do, so I figured I’d go through my photos and clean them out. Whoa, was I in for a surprise.

Some photos you may want to consider deleting:

  • Those photos you took to reference later (first off, if you really did reference them later, I’m so proud. But consider getting rid of them hehe)

  • Those photos you took of something ruhl quick to send in a text message

  • Those photos that automatically downloaded when you opened up that group chat in WhatsApp (First off, turn that setting off!!! Second off, delete those babies)

  • Those photos of your dog/cat/child (You have enough. Trust me. Choose your favorites, put ‘em in a photobook or upload to Instagram and send the rest into cyber abyss. Okay, fine. Keep one or two to show the stranger on the train who also has a dog/cat/child.)

If you like, you can keep a zero photo camera roll by creating a folder on Google Drive or the like to keep your precious moments on. You’d be amazed at how sane and satisfied you feel once your count goes from 4,252 pictures to zero.

Your physical phone

Of course I wouldn’t write about decluttering without adding some cleaning! Your phone is a breeding ground for nastiness. Trust me, it’s gross. If you don’t believe me, I give you permission to leave this website and Google it. Just type in “Is my phone gross?” and you’ll get plenty of good reads (Like this article from Reader’s Digest). 

Depending on your device, specific instructions for cleaning may vary. I use an Apple device and Apple advises the following for its products:

  • Use only a soft, lint-free cloth.

  • Avoid excessive wiping.

  • Unplug all power sources, devices, and cables.

  • Keep liquids away from your device.

  • Don’t allow moisture to get into any openings.

  • Avoid aerosol sprays, bleaches, and abrasives.

  • Avoid spraying cleaners directly onto your device.

So there you have it! It’s not so hard to declutter your phone. Do it all at once, or break it up and do it over a week. Are you planning on Spring Cleaning your phone this season?


Spring Bucket List

BlogAmanda Walter | Maple Alps3 Comments

As I know I’ve mentioned before, I love Spring. Really, I love both of the “in-between” seasons (Fall and Spring), but I have a special spot in my heart for the Spring. Maybe it’s because I was born during this season, or maybe I’ve only happy memories from it. Either way, I really enjoy Spring. Last Summer, I sent out a season bucket list to those of you who subscribe to the Good Intentions Guide, but this time, I’ve decided to publish my own Spring Bucket List right here on the blog! If you have any more suggestions for me, leave them in the comments below!

Spring Bucket List |

  1. Fly a kite

  2. Go on a picnic

  3. See the cherry blossoms

  4. Surprise someone

  5. Have a tea party

  6. Enjoy the rain

  7. Find a Farmer’s Market

  8. Do some Spring Cleaning

  9. Plant an herb garden

  10. Do Pilates outside 

  11. Walk along the beach

  12. Climb a tree

  13. Learn to identify a new type of bird

  14. Learn to identify a new type of tree

  15. Keep fresh flowers

What kinds of things are you including on your Spring bucket list this year? Are any of these on your list?


Blessings to Ponder in the Springtime

FaithAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

One of my favourite things about nature is that the lessons it teaches us about God are literally endless. I’ve heard nature being called God’s second book, and I can truly see why - the more I learn about the things of nature, the more I see God’s creative hand in it, and the more I see how intentional He truly is. What an amazing Creator.

In just the Spring alone, for example, so many beautiful Bible promises come to life every day just walking outside.

Blessings to Ponder in the Springtime |

When I smell the rain, I think of the blessings God wants to pour down.

Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;

   his going out is sure as the dawn;

he will come to us as the showers,

   as the spring rains that water the earth.” (Hosea 6:3, ESV)

For I will pour water on the thirsty land,

   and streams on the dry ground;

I will pour my Spirit upon your offspring,

   and my blessing on your descendants. (Isaiah 44:3, ESV)

When I smell flowers, I think of how God takes care of me.

And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin (Matthew 6:28, ESV)

When I hear the birds singing, I want to sing praises to the Creator.

Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! (Luke 12:28, ESV)

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32, ESV)

When I see the trees growing back their leaves, I think of the blessings I am continually receiving.

And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. (Genesis 9:3b, ESV)

…Let the field exult, and everything in it!
Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy (Psalm 96:12)

When I hear the water rushing again after being frozen, I think of God’s provision for us.

You make springs gush forth in the valleys;

   they flow between the hills;

they give drink to every beast of the field;

   the wild donkeys quench their thirst. (Psalm 104 10, 11, ESV)

they shall not hunger or thirst,

   neither scorching wind nor sun shall strike them,

for he who has pity on them will lead them,

   and by springs of water will guide them. (Isaiah 49:10, ESV)

And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. (Revelation 22:17b, ESV)

When I see blue skies above or the twinkling skies in the clear nights, I can’t help but praise the Lord!

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. (Psalm 19:1, ESV)

When I see and smell the new buds springing, I think of the newness that God wants to bring to my life too!

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19, ESV)


What blessings do you ponder in the Springtime?


Spring into Health this Spring!

HealthAmanda Walter | Maple Alps8 Comments

As I write this, I am watching the snow tumble and twist through the air. I thought Winter was starting to leave! The longer hours of sunshine, and the return of bright flowers have deceived me, but it doesn't matter. Spring has begun - snow or not. It begins in my heart. This is truly one of my favourite times of the year and always brings motivation for a fresh start and new beginnings.

We have talked about cleaning our homes, but today, I want to give you eight simple things to consider when cleaning up your health habits this Spring.

Important things for health that we often overlook |


Eat fresh, nourishing food

Make sure the food you eat is full of the nutrients you need. Fresh fruit and vegetables are becoming more readily available at this time of the year so take advantage of it (and can and freeze some for winter months too!). Add more whole grains and legumes to your diet, and reduce the amount of meat, dairy and sugar you consume.


Be physically active

Exercise is good for you! Don’t worry, I will not prescribe burpees and planks - yet. Start by taking a brisk walk or stroll through your neighbourhood every day, and watch your energy increase and feel better! Just being aware of your activity levels will help increase them. 

Spring into Health this Spring! |


Drink more water

Our bodies are made up of 70% water. It is important we replenish what our body uses on a daily basis. Water is needed to support our body’s systems to keep us healthy. Keep a reusable water bottle with you so you don't forget to hydrate!


Spend time in the sunshine

Sunlight is critical for the growth and support of plants and animals and is important for our bodies as well; helping with the maintenance of our hormonal and metabolic balance. Make the intentional effort to have moderate time in the sunshine.

Spring into Health this Spring! Sunshine and Air |


Avoid harmful substances and practice temperance

Staying away from the things that harm us and being moderate in the things that are good for us is important - yet sometimes easier said than done. Practicing self-control in all things is key to ensuring we stay healthy.


Get fresh air

When you think about it, air is more important to our bodies than food or water! We cannot survive long at all when our air supply is cut off. Be sure to breathe in fresh, clean air (travel out of polluted cities to find the best air!) - and breathe it in deep!

Spring into Health this Spring! |


Get plenty of rest

There are many different ways to get rest. Sleep helps our bodies restore themselves, so be sure to get plenty of rest each night. Make sure you give your body time to recover from a long week by taking a day of rest each week!


Have peace of mind

Trusting in Divine Power is also directly linked to our health. High levels of stress affect our physical being, but God gives us the "peace that passeth all understanding." (Philippians 4:7)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
- Proverbs 3:5-6


Will you be springing into health this season?


Why Living with Less is the Worst

LifestyleAmanda Walter | Maple Alps17 Comments

Great news! Spring is here! If you are not one for spring cleaning or spring decluttering, that is okay. Living with less is the worst. Here is why:

Why Living with Less is the Worst |

Finding your way around in the dark is too easy

Seriously, it’s no fun having no obstacles with which you might at any moment stub your toe with. Middle of the night water runs to the kitchen are no longer fun because they no longer require superhuman ninja skills.


You only own what you love

Sometimes you just want to hate most of the items you have on display, #amirite?


Possessions last longer, which is boring

Wouldn’t you rather keep buying cheap, ugly things that you don’t care about enough to take extra good care of? Spending more money on disposable items is much better than buying good quality ones that are better for the environment and your wallet.


You have less cleaning and dusting to do

There is nothing better than spending your precious time on dusting that clay gnome you made in the second grade. Also, it’s a great work-out moving the piles of paper from one end of the house to the other, just so you can vacuum. Taking 500 items off of surfaces to dust is truly exciting.


Your junk drawer is nonexistent

It’s so boring and predictable to know exactly what is in each one of your drawers. Being able to see every item for quick retrieval is lame.  


Everything has a home

You should not need to know exactly where everything is at any given time. It's just not natural. Scrambling for keys and the like is essential to the human experience.


Great arguments for living with more if I do say so myself. If, however, you do not share this sentiment, be sure to check out our ultimate spring simplifying guide! We have upgraded our guide and you can now find an expanded Spring Cleaning guide and printable booklet there!