You've seen his hands modelled in a few posts. You've seen a small glimpse of his face in the sidebar. You know the first letter of his first name. But who is the man behind Maple Alps?
He’s the Alps to my Maple, and without him (and his paycheque), Maple Alps would not exist. I decided to take some time out of my day and interview him to introduce my husband to all of you! Doesn’t that sound like fun? I hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes post today!
Tell us a bit about yourself. What is your work, passions and interests?
All my life I sensed that I was called to do something ‘big’. What that was I didn’t know until after I turned 22 and having lived on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean for a year. It was through that experience of complete disconnection from the outside world, that I could discern the spiritual realities more clearly. I realized that God had a calling for me to work for Him alone. In God’s eyes the small things are actually ‘big’, and so my passion is to impact open-hearted people and support them on their spiritual journey to health, healing and happiness. Small steps at a time.
I also love traveling, music, photography and design. The wonderful thing is, that all of these things can be combined with my work as a pastor. The cherry on top is that I get to do these things with my best friend and wife – Amanda.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you visit and why?
At the moment that would be the French Polynesian Islands. It has been my dream to go there ever since I can remember. I am an islander at heart. The crystal clear water, the green lush tropical islands, the white beaches, the simple life… it has a magical pull on me.
Photo By: Fernando Borges. J on the Amazon River doing some of his favourite things - ministering and music-ing
What are your thoughts about your wife being a blogger?
I think it’s great! It has benefited me actually! I get to try all these great recipes and I get to see my wife expressing herself in a special way. I see how she is an inspiration to others, including me. If she does something, she does it with all her heart, and I believe every reader can see that.
How do you contribute to Maple Alps?
I pay the bills! Haha. While that is true, I guess my main contributions are being the guinea pig for her foods, the ‘model’ for all kinds of crochet endeavours and photoshoots, but mostly I try to encourage her to give her best, so that many people will be inspired by our humble attempts to make life a bit healthier, simpler and sweeter.
You also write a blog. Tell us about it: what is it & what do you write about/post?
It is a spiritual blog where I share theological and devotional thoughts for Christians who love the Bible and take it as it reads. Its purpose is to encourage young (and old) believers to consider living 100% by the manual that God has given us for life – his holy word. Sometimes I just share little experiences I have had with God or interviews I have done with inspiring Christians.
[Note from Amanda: You can check out J's website, Aeon Today, here]
Photo By: David Shin
How about something kind of unrelated: What is your favourite thing about Amanda?
I must have not told you often enough, hm? Haha, … well, I guess there are many things I love about Amanda. One of the top things is definitely her love for God and her open-mindedness. She was willing to marry me, a crazy traveler with nothing in his pocket but childlike faith that God will take care of him.
As last worlds, would you share with us your favourite quote?
“Christ in the heart, Christ in the life, this is our safety.” – E.G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 511
This was great! I think we'll have to invite J to the stage more often! Till then, he shall continue to work behind the scenes to make Maple Alps....Maple Alps.
Photo By: David Shin