If you have been following along for a while, you know that 2020 will mark year four of Maple Alps! I can hardly believe that my little corner of the internet has been here this long and I could have never imagined how it has grown and developed. This past year has proven a difficult one, but it was totally worth it.
Last year, my word was, “bold.” Boldness to try new things and taking risks. My word proved pretty relevant for my life, as boldness was definitely required of me. I moved to a new state, got a new job, added new resources to Maple Alps, and even started a new website! Phew. As a result, doors opened up that led to me choosing a word for 2019. Are you ready to find out what I chose?
1) the process of increasing in amount, value, or importance.
2) the process of developing physically, mentally, or spiritually.”
Just based on how last year went, and how this year is shaping up, I see a year of growth ahead of me. I see how I will be (and have been) pushed outside of my comfort zone and how God can use these circumstances to grow as a person and in faith.
I’m ready to embrace it all - hard lessons and all - and see what God has in store for me this next year!
Oh! And just as a fun fact: last January (and the year before that!) as well as this one, my word of the year has been formed while in transit in an airplane. In fact, I’m writing this while sitting in an airport. How’s that for patterns?
Did you choose a word for 2020? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!