5 Ways to Make the Most out of your Road Trip — Maple Alps

Maple Alps

5 Ways to Make the Most out of your Road Trip

TravelAmanda Walter | Maple Alps3 Comments

We. Love. Road trips. We don’t go on them as often as we used to, but there’s nothing like packing up the car and hopping in for a grand adventure. I think my favorite thing about it is the control you have over your trip. You can stop when you want for as long as you want which is a freedom not enjoyed when on a plane, train, or bus. Plus, you don’t have to worry about any other person besides you and your travel buddy or buddies. No stressing about why the guy over there is coughing…although, I’m usually seated next to them. Yikes! SO how can you make the most out of your road trip? We have 5 ideas.

5 Ways to Make the Most out of your Road Trip | www.maplealps.com

Use your time productively

Learn something while driving! We love listening to audiobooks or podcasts during our trips. It gives us something to think about and to discuss! One can almost never run out of topics this way if traveling with someone else. If you’re traveling with family or friends who aren’t terribly into your audiobooks or podcasts, why not have a good set of questions to discuss and get closer while you’re at it? If you’re already close friends/relatives, you won’t likely need to prepare ahead of time, but do take advantage of the time you’re trapped in the speeding metal on wheels to chat! By the way, a good playlist is a definite must!

Use this anywhere travel guide for a fun spin

I bought this travel guide for Jonathan a few years ago and it is filled with some really fun activities to do anywhere you are. We keep it in the glove compartment of our car so that we can spontaneously have a great time exploring - it’s even great when you want to explore the city you live in as well!

Don’t let your schedule keep you from being a bit spontaneous…

See a pretty field and want to stop? Do it! See the perfect overlook? Stop! Shoot some photos or just dwell in the moment and then move on. Don’t let your schedule keep you from experiencing the wonders of nature you could see on your trip!

…But Research Ahead of Time

You never know what kind of quirky sites there might be on your way! Do some research on your intended route and plan in some extra time if needed to see some points of interest like restaurants, museums, and parks (just to name a few).

Road Trip Games

We were on to something when we played I-Spy and Truth or Dare as kids in the car. Would You Rather is another fantastic one that leads to great conversations. I came across a book of 3,000 WYR questions the other day that I was very tempted to purchase! We’ve had some fun discussions with that game.

How do you make the most of your road trips?