Maple Alps

Ten Baby Products We Use Every Day

Mama BuysAmanda Walter | Maple AlpsComment

Having a tiny human can be extremely daunting. When we first found out we were expecting, I already knew in my mind that I truly wanted the bare minimum amount of things possible. I searched for the most minimalist and versatile products out there that we could use and incorporate into our new normal. 

To be honest, I hated every second of research. I thought I would be excited about looking at baby things, but it was not the case. I got so sick of reading about baby gear and clothes and all the things people claimed we would need. I got tired of researching the best prices. I grew weary of reading reviews and consumer reports. It was all just so exhausting to me. 

I did, finally, get to a point where I felt pretty good about the choices we made for the newborn stage (and beyond - since we were thinking ahead as much as possible), and now that that stage is over [insert crying over my growing baby], I’m sharing my top ten must-haves!

(You can see more must-haves in my Amazon storefront here!)

Of course, this list is my list. Based on our needs. It is also not an exhaustive list; there are items we use every day that didn’t make this list because they’re so striaght-forward, like bodysuits, etc. There will definitely be some who disagree or don’t relate because their daily lives and setups look different than ours. So take it with a grain of salt. Just know, though, that I always only suggest things I personally recommend, so while there are some affiliate links, be assured I use and trust the products!

This blog post contains affiliate links

baby blanket and baby. Baby products that are worth every penny

Stokke Tripp Trapp High Chair

I love this high chair. We got the newborn attachment so that Baby Z could be at the table with us, and I’m so glad we did! The price tag is higher, but I like that this chair will grow with her. Not to mention it looks fantastic and will blend in with our decor. Get yours from Amazon today.

Lovevery Play Gym

Another high price tag, but worth it. Baby Z loves this play gym, and it’s been so fun watching her skills improve daily. Now that she’s almost a year old, we’ve attached the tent, and it adds such a fun dimension to play. I see us continuing to get a lot of usage out of this item! Get yours from Amazon today.

Copper and Pearl Blanket

I love love love this blanket, and we use it every day. I’m going to buy another one. It was fantastic for swaddling, for covering the car seat, for laying on the floor - seriously everything. On top of that, it’s so soft and stretchy and so well made. Get yours from Amazon.

Boppy Pillow

This pillow gets so much hate, but honestly, I LOVE it. There are definitely mixed reviews out there, and everyone’s situation is different but I have used this every day since we brought our tiny human home. It has been so helpful for nursing and all kinds of propping (both me and the baby, hehe). I’ll mention that a lot of people prefer the My Brest Friend nursing pillow, but I haven’t tried it yet. Get yours from Amazon.

Burp Cloths/Muslin Cloths

These pieces of cloth get so much use, it’s insane. Spit-up, slobber, and all of the messes…these do the heavy lifting. Especially during those early nursing days, I was never far from them - and I couldn’t have too many. I will mention that I had a variety of kinds, and I liked the muslin ones best - personal preference. These are so great, and you can get them from Amazon.

Skip Hop Changing Pad

I opted for this one because it was a little cheaper than The peanut one and was still a wipeable option. It’s not as portable as the other would have been, but that hasn’t been an issue (and we are a year in). I am more of a station person than a “let’s change the baby anywhere in the house” person since we only have one. I’m sure that will change with a second, but I have no problem taking a wipeable one around. Baby Z also likes the mobile on it, though it is removable if you’d prefer not to have it on there. Get yours from Amazon!

Esembly Products

We cloth diaper this one with the complete Esembly baby system. It works incredibly well, and we love it! We are into the next size now. I plan on writing more about our cloth diapering experience soon! You can get Esembly on Amazon or directly from their website (try Esembly it for 15% off by using this referral link)

Frida Products

Namely the sucker and the windii. The peri bottle was also crazy helpful during the first six weeks postpartum. We’ve really used every item in this whole package and still do. Get this whole pack on Amazon!

Solly Baby Wrap

After hearing about the benefits, I decided early on that I wanted to babywear and I have so much love for this wrap. Seriously. It’s perfect when I need to be hands-free, but the baby needs to come with me. Great on walks too. It looks complicated and daunting, but once you get the tie down, it’s so easy to use - not to mention it packs away perfectly as well and doesn’t take up a lot of space like some soft carriers. I ended up buying two because I found I still needed to use them if they happened to be in the wash. Get it on Amazon or directly on their website. As Z has grown, I’ve also added their loop carrier to my collection, and I love the ease of it! I have a feeling I’ll love this even more when we add a second!

Muslin Bibs

We got so many bibs as gifts either in packs or ones that came with outfits, but bandana bibs were my absolute favorite - they looked the best, honestly, and these muslin ones especially were so soft and actually absorbent. So necessary for spit up and then later for teething, when drool is out of this world. I thought this ten pack would be a bit excessive, but definitely used all of them. Plus I love the neutral hues. Grab your pack on Amazon.

Bonus: Kibou Bag (you can now get limited colors on Amazon!)

I love, love, love this diaper bag! It’s crazy convenient and holds more than you would think. Plus, it isn’t bulky and obvious to carry around (and is nice looking, so my husband isn’t embarrassed carrying it around either!). Seriously worth every penny!


So there you have it. ten baby products we use and have used pretty much every day since becoming parents! Mamas, what are some things that you couldn’t live without?